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Freedom of Speech 5

  • Date Submitted: 12/16/2010 01:48 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 39 
  • Words: 319
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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Argumentative Essay(Freedom of expression should be allowd to every individul)
The Freedom of expression means the right of a person to express whatever he wishes to express in every field of life. Freedom of expression should be allowed in every field of life because it is basic right of an individual.
If one is allowed to think and believe, but not to communicate with others or exchange view, one’s freedom of thought and belief is actually restricted. The basic condition for freedom of expression and information is that it extends to different viewpoints; otherwise, expression is merely an imposition of ideas and exercise in brain washing.
Many national and international documents which declare human right acknowledge the fact that freedom of thought and freedom of expression are intertwined. The Declaration of   Human Right which was assigned by the General Assembly of the United Nation in December 1948 has delt with both in two successive articles 18,19.
On the other hand   article 12 of   Human Right Daclaration also explain the right of privacy
“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks”
But our media is crossing these limits.It interefernce personal issues of society .sometimes it
Shows the footages of people without permisission.For example a videos of cring women without covering head after horrible bomb blast.It is infact voilation of Human Rights Declaration.
Freedom of expression doesnot means that we interfer the personal life of people.There should be some demarkation and ethical consideration while observing the right of freedom
Of expression.We should be careful   about the boundries of privacy and expressions.Without interferring the personal life of people,freedom of expression is the
Right of every individual in every field of life.


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